[topic thread][SPOILERS] Round 4: What Clouds and drama fans are watching right now…

There are waaay too many good shows of all kinds on TV in many countries and online these days and we need a place to dish about ’em, am I right? What say you? Let’s discuss! ^@@^

WE GOT SPOILERS. Please back out of here & DON’T SCROLL unless you’re good with that.

The previous Cloud-watching post from 10/29/2017 – 5/25/2018 is HERE^@@^

~ by Cloud USA on May 26, 2018.

46 Responses to “[topic thread][SPOILERS] Round 4: What Clouds and drama fans are watching right now…”

  1. Stephe….yes….I so agree. Sketch is really, really good and I’m not saying it for the obvious. From a writing perspective, it’s really like….yes…making all the buttons go “ping”…LOL. Creativity wants to flow right now. Baby Boo picked a good one. This one makes a writer want to write. SMILES…….

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  2. I totally agree with y’all that Rain’s mandatory military service did his plans for the U.S. no favors. It couldn’t have come at a worse time (except maybe back during his first five years after debut, yeah, that would’ve been a career-blowing nightmare). The army totally took the wind out of his U.S. sails and then, when he was done, China was wanting him and eating him up and that was all she wrote because all the $$$$$ was there at the time. He would’ve been a fool to turn all of that down. It did comfort me a little bit last year when he said in an interview that he was not satisfied at all with his U.S. resume as it was, which tells me he thinks about that, and one thing I’ve noticed about Rain through the years is he hates to be dissatisfied about anything. He hates leaving loose ends.

    With that said…

    In my view, his military service was the second time the U.S. wind got knocked out of his sails. The first time was back in 2007, when the North American leg of his first world tour (Rain’s Coming/Rain’s World) was completely DERAILED (still pisses me off just thinking about it).

    The Asia and Australia leg had gone off without a hitch. So many cities, and Rain was slaying! The North American leg was going to be his official introduction to the U.S. and people were all hyped up about it after he released the official announcement. He flew here, to ATLANTA, to release that announcement, followed by international press from everywhere. KoreAm Magazine also met him here and released a full special issue and interview only about THAT. (We gave away one of our copies in 2011… you can read some excerpts from the magazine here. https://cloudusa.blog/2011/01/21/in-celebration-of-our-1-year-anniversary-today-its-another-cloud-usa-giveaway/ )

    A U.S. Cloud made a fan-made video about how he was coming here to Philips Arena, something I treasure to this day… ( https://cloudusa.blog/2010/03/23/yes-in-atlanta-we-are-still-crying-inside/ )

    As I understand it, THIS BAND ruined it all ( https://cloudusa.blog/2015/11/04/info-list-korean-entertainer-rain-is-not-having-concerts-in-washington-d-c-see-full-list-of-cities/ ). I still hate even mentioning them. They sued Rain over the use of his name in the States and he couldn’t perform, and by the time the courts resolved the matter (he had to use “The Rain”, imagine that), there was no time for the Rain’s Coming/Rain’s World concerts. He had to fly to Germany to film Speed Racer. (Two of the concerts that almost did happen early on were ruined by shady promoters not providing safe stage equipment for the shows. He was so devastated, he cried in public in L.A. I heard audio of that a long time ago and I wept.)

    And it haunted him, so much so that years later he symbolically brought himself closure about it at his Adieu new years shows. I can’t remember where I read it or what interview, but that was what the “2011 Rain’s World” Adidas sweat suits were all about — finally letting that go, closing it out.

    It’s awful that he’s had two derailments when it comes to the U.S. *sigh* Lord knows, I can’t blame him for being skittish and overly wary about trying again. But… things he’s posted, especially on his Instagram, hint that he’s not done here. And you know what they say… third time’s the charm. 😉

    Dang, I must have really needed to get all that s**t out, LOL. Sorry, y’all.

    Stephe ^@@^


  3. I am moving this comment back under the body of this thread (conversation) so that BiAlamode and others are sure to see it. It was originally made underneath the cover picture of this post instead, and I don’t want anyone to miss it. 🙂 — Stephe ^@@^

    [BEEZ replies to BIALAMODE 6/13/2018]

    “@BiAlamode – I have yet to see Season 3 of Badlands. I purchased Season 2 on Amazon because I couldn’t wait but now that Veil’s gone, I can wait for Netflix.

    I also feel Rain’s military interruption blocked his flow, not only here but at home, as well. (I feel bad for all the artists who go through that as non-die-hard fans move on and up & comers fill the void for them.)

    But honestly, I don’t think Americans were ready even as Rain was sparking everything (and everybody) he touched with raw electricity. It seemed obvious in the U.S. audience’ cool response as he picked up his badassery award. Even he looked puzzled. At the time, I just wanted to comfort him that we Americans, in general, were falsely elitist and closed off in our appreciation or knowledge of entertainment outside our borders. The climate in the U.S. seems to have changed apparently due to BTS. And no offense to Armys out there, but I just don’t get it. I googled BTS performance and while I’m sure they’re good, I don’t see what sets them so far apart from Exo, Big Bang, Shinee and all the rest as far as American acceptance is concerned. I can only guess that when Rain was getting to break into our entertainment, there were far fewer Kdrama fans than there are now and that that new openness to Korean entertainment is the result of Kpop’s evolution here. Please anybody feel free to give me the real deal if you know it.”


    • Ahhhh… Big Bang, SHINee, TVXQ, DBSK, Beast… the good ol’days. How I miss y’all. Even though I LOVE damn near everything newer group NCT 127 does, and I adore BTS, it’s just not the same anymore. It’s not. *sob*

      Stephe ^@@^


      • Thank you thank you Stephe! For the info and the links since I wasn’t “in the Clouds” or even aware of “The Rain” (geez) back then so I’ll be opening every link you provided later.
        I only listed the Kpop groups whose names I’ve heard of cause I’m totally ignorant of the genre. Of course at one point Big Bang’s name (and it’s members) was impossible not to have heard of cause they were JUST TOO FAMOUS to miss. The others I probably heard of because of their members acting in dreams I’ve watched.


    • Let me correct a typo – not Kpop’s evolution – I meant “Kpop’s explosion”.


    • @Beez, I’ll offer my opinion (as always….SMILES). What America is…is a country founded on racism (generally speaking). I’m an a American, born and raised in the South, so I can say it. While it’s true that racism has indeed shifted over the centuries…taken on different forms, it has Never actually died. People who don’t live here don’t really get that. Acceptance of peoples of color has always been a tricky thing, even for those of us born here (no question, no doubt). Having said that, I like BTS but you are absolutely right they are not any more talented than any of the groups you and Stephe have listed. What American audiences (the mainstream) does is “decide” when it wants to be magnanimous and “anoint” foreign talent as the “it” group/singer/rapper/actress/actor at a certain moment in time and they go with it. That particular entertainer(s) don’t have to be particularly super duper talented, they just have to have been put on the mainstream radar. You get enough little tweenys requesting a specific K-Pop song 24-7 and streaming that sucker….social media will pick up on that and so on and so forth. That’s it. The mainstream also likes to “pick” entertainers they deem “non-threatening”, “not controversial”, “not overly political.”
      BTW, this special “anointing” of entertainers of color is not just relegated to entertainers from foreign countries either……oh no. This happens to black and brown entertainers who are born right here also. Every decade or so, America “anoints” entertainer(s) of color they deem “worthy.” In the 50s it was Nat King Cole (singer) and Sidney Poitier (actor), in the 60s it was Bill Cosby (he had a long run until now), move down to the 80s Michael Jackson (singer), Prince (singer), the 90s Janet, the 00s Beyonce. If you notice, these entertainers of color remain popular in the eyes of the mainstream up to and until they make personal mistakes (Bill Cosby, Eartha Kitt, MJ) or become too pro-their culture (black). The mainstream wasn’t crazy about Beyonce’s pro-black female pride filled Lemonade album. They rarely played any songs from it on the radio in my hometown (which is Her hometown). However, they played Single Ladies ad nauseam. Although Bey remains popular, there has a been a “mainstream shift” with regard to her music being played via the radio….at least in my neck of the woods.
      The American mainstream likes its entertainers of color to be “light and fluffy” with the content. Real talk. Too politically aware, too pro-anything “preachy” they cool their jets on you.
      Honestly, to put it simply, the white American mainstream is just not comfortable opening its arms up to too many individuals with tinted skin. This is how it’s always been. Rain could’ve transcended some of that, because Ninja Assassin gave him momentum and had the mainstream “seeing him” as the second coming of Bruce Lee. Even though Bruce Lee wasn’t always treated with the respect due him by the powers that be, he was still beloved by mainstream audiences. I think Rain could’ve walked the tightrope that is American racism pretty well. To Stephe’s point, Rain and others will have to get over that skittishness and dive on in.
      With the current political climate in the U.S., even Americans are seeing just how deep racism remains here, no getting around that. Rain and other entertainers of color from foreign lands will just have to know that and work around and push through it, just like the rest of us who live around it daily. Because make no mistake, Americans (who are not fans) will let you know with a quickness that color Does matter….still…in 2018. I have seen some awful comments about BTS as well, even in the midst of all the American adoration they are receiving. I know it may be challenging for those who come from homogeneous societies, because they don’t have to deal directly with race prejudice like we do, but they won’t be able to escape it completely if they work here. Just be aware and work around it. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon. *Damned shame too* Such is life in the U.S.


      • @BiAlamode *yup* *nodding my head* But I was trying big to get these Clouds put off the internet. But as looking as you went there…🤣

        I’ve also noticed that S. Koreans have the exact same thing going on that blacks had at one time (and some still do) – a love-hate relationship with Anglo-Americans. I see the older Koreans think any and everything associated with white America is great, and the younger generation is rebelling against the notion of having to feel grateful for help the U.S. provided (because it benefited the U.S. anyway, and exactly how long do you have to kow-tow?) But one flaw they haven’t escaped yet (and probably won’t for quite a while) is worshipping anglo features. If someone has a pointy nose and more rounded eyes, they’re considered beautiful regardless if their face, looked at as a whole, is not necessarily very attractive (IMO). As an example of the attitude, in Oh My Venus, Shin Mi na’s character goes on about how “my nose bridge is as high as any white girl’s!” (Not saying Shin Min na is not attractive. She is. But looking at the statement itself. She was jealous of So Ji sub’s character rumored to have had a relationship in the past with a white woman, so the sense of competition had her “needing a high nose bridge”. And I’m sure we’ve all seen where the use of English language and words is viewed as chic or elite and has resulted in some ridiculous misuse when naming businesses, etc.

        I’ve seen some Korean-american bloggers insisting that all the surgery and bleaching has nothing to do with white worship, but I’ve observed differently. (I know that pale skin is valued from ancient days when it meant you were rich if you had it cause you weren’t working outside but this goes beyond that. ) Lately I’ve seen idols and actors/actresses who are so bleached their skin looks literally like a sheet of paper! And I’ve seen some Koreans comments translated online as being very upset to be lumped with “people of color”, adamantly insisting “We’re white! Our skin is white!”

        But as you pointed out, if they came here, they’d be in for a very rude awakening as Korean-Amerucans can tell them.

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        • My first paragraph is all over the place with auto correct. Trust – English is my first language. lol

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        • @Beez, I had to go there cause it’s true. Oh and I totally feel you on the “white features/white skin worship.” You’d be hard pressed to find any ethnic culture of color that hasn’t been “mind screwed” to believe that anything white is the epitome of beauty and success. All I can say is thank God I’ve learned to see past the okie doke. You are right Korea is not there yet (collectively). However, if the younger entertainers continue to branch out and work in other global markets, those rose colored glasses will begin to come off. When they begin to mingle among other people of color, they too will find out just how “not white” they are. It’s a harsh thing to say but it’s reality. I could go on and on about this subject but I don’t want to take away from the thread. I’ll just say that I’m really enjoying Sketch right now and I’m looking forward to Rain’s next project.

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  4. Well, I’ve caught up on all the Sketch episodes and e’erytime I say I don’t care if Rain works on/in U.S. productions again…….damn if he doesn’t “whet my appetite” again. Damn, damn, damn I want boyfriend to work on some U.S. tv shows. His kind of talent just, just……..*Sigh* Why can’t you just do like a fangirl asks man?! LOL. * as MJ would say….”chum on” * SMILES.

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    • Dang, ditto everything you just said, Dee! And every time I watch Into The Badlands, I want to see Sunny and Rain waltz into a den of thieves and clear everybody out! Uhgnnn! And on J.Lo’s World of Dance, Judge NeYo should be out and Judge Rain in! So on and so forth. Etc., etc. Hawaii 5-0? Arghhhh!

      Chum on, Rain. Chum on!!

      Stephe ^@@^

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      • Exactly!! How many years we gotta ask this man to get “wid” it. Oh man….Into the Badlands….Rain and Sunny. Yep!


        • He would be the perfect clipper-turned-baron. 🔥🙌🏽 ^@©^


        • Well, as much as I’ve enjoyed Sunny, my feeling is there’s only room for one and Rain would be filling up all the space.


          • I agree and disagree and here’s why. Rain, as the star of any production, is indeed a force on screen. He draws the viewer in, no question. However, Rain also does well in roles with ensemble casts, by knowing how to stay in his lane (so to speak). The key is to not overshadow your co-stars. You have to have real acting talent to know when….to say when. Also, when a casting director hires somebody like Rain (who Is so magnetic on screen…yeah…that sounded cheesy even to me), it is imperative he be cast alongside other equally strong actors so he doesn’t “take over” the screen. I like Rain (which goes without saying), but I don’t want to watch any production he’s in and feel like it’s the “Rain show”….unless it actually is a Rain show….know what I mean? I’m not so biased like that anymore, but it’s cool either way. When Jihoon has other strong actors that his performance can “bounce off” of it makes for a really compelling story.

            Case in point, when Rain was paired with Krystal in My Lovely Girl, it just wasn’t a good on screen match…IMO. Rain’s on screen presence completely overshadowed her. He needed to play opposite a lead actress that was much more seasoned…not necessarily older but more formidable on screen. Krystal’s screen presence next to his made her “shrink.” That drama I didn’t care for. No disrespect to Krystal, she’s good in the right drama. I loved her in Heirs. My hat is off to casting directors when they get it right and pair the right leads or bring together the right ensemble.

            So far, I like Sketch. I don’t feel like Rain overshadows any of his co-stars in this one. I will always lean toward Rain (he Is still my bias after all). However, having said that, I don’t always want to be drawn to him only. Like Stephe talked about earlier, the writing of this show is stellar. As a “junior baby writer in my heart,”…LOL…I absolutely agree. All the elements for a great drama are there. Great writing equals a great story, a great story means the actors have something “meaty” they can dive into and bring to life on screen. As hard as it can be sometimes, I truly do try to not just “see” only Rain in the room because that’s not fair to the others who work equally as hard as he does. Also, sometimes you gotta know when your presence in a production is so big that it detracts from the viewer being able to “see” the character you are portraying. Kevin Costner did this when he played in the movie JFK, as he was a huge star at the time.

            Like Stephe suggested, Rain could be a clipper turned baron. He’d be a great bad ass baron leader and enemy for Sunny to play against. His character could be short term and killed off like they did Veil (still salty about that). So Daniel Wu wouldn’t have to “compete” for bad assery champion for too long. It really just depends on Rain and his approach to characters. Just my two cents. SMILES……………

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            • @BiAlamode – what you said makes perfect sense and I found none of it “cheesy” lol but… the problem for me is Sunny’s acting. Now, I found him great in Chinese productions like Ip Man, but there’s something that does not pull me into him in the starring role of Sunny.
              So that’s why… I just DO want a Rain show 🙂 (front and center) , ensemble cast or otherwise. 😃
              But Sketch is satisfying the heck out of me right now.


              • @Beez, I feel ya. SMILES. Sometimes we just want what we want. I’ve been part of Rain’s Cloud crew for almost a decade now. We’ve been “begging” for more U.S. presence from boyfriend just about that same length of time too. LOL. He gives us a “little taste” every now and again, but never a full meal….(for the record,*been ready to sop that plate up with some hot buttered biscuits*)…I digress.

                Honestly, it’s always been my belief that his military service threw a monkey wrench into his U.S. momentum. He was on track to cross over and do bigger things here up until that point. Oh well. No use crying over spilled milk. Things have obviously happened as they should. Now, he’s married with a child. So, I’d be willing to bet his priority is to stay close to home, at least mine would be. Can’t blame him there…..but dammit I sure want to sometimes. At least, a few Cloud sisters got to enjoy his recent performance at the U.S. Korean Festival in L.A. I don’t know where or when, but it’s gonna take a special kind of alignment of the stars in the cosmos, at a precise moment in time, before I will be able to see boyfriend in person. Money and opportunity have yet to align properly for me to make that happen. LOL.

                BTW, I do like Daniel Wu and I like Badlands but I don’t compare him to Rain. It wouldn’t be fair. Rain is by far more compelling as a “brooding character” case in point, my muse Raizo. What it is, Rain can play a brooding character and be sexy as hell…just dripping with that “ish.” Daniel Wu playing a brooding character is good looking and fit (has all the attributes) but his “sexy quotient” is not enough. I don’t want to tear Daniel’s clothes off at the end of an episode….*sorry Daniel*…he just doesn’t bring that hankering out in a sista. Rain, on the other hand…….Good Gravy! Rain makes you want to call your hubbie home from work early….*just saying*…LOL. That’s the difference. This is why I rarely compare Rain to other Asian actors. Side note: I do like that Badlands has added more “chocolate” to the line up. They are trying to make up for killing Veil off. I’m still not all the way over it, but I’ll give’em a chance. SMILES…………….

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  5. SKETCH Episode 5…

    I can’t believe that dumbkov criminal pervert actually thought he could handle Sergeant Shi Hyun all by himself. She whooped his ass, ROFL! I really hope Special Forces guy gets his revenge on that disgusting turd.

    I cracked up with Det. Dong Soo (Rain) pulled the K-drama staple “Oh-toh-kay! You hit me with your car! Pay me” routine to stick that tracker on that gangster’s car. LOL!

    Every time Ponytail Gangster kicked Shi Hyun, I got more and more pissed. Get in there and stomp their butts for ’em, Rain!

    Stephe ^@@^


    • “.She whooped his ass, ROFL!” Stephe.
      AND she had a bullet wound in the leg while she did it!
      “I really hope Special Forces guy gets his revenge on that disgusting turd.” Stephe
      The whole time I’m watching this I’m rocking back and forth for Dong soo (Rain) to catch Do jin, *rock forward* but not before Do jin kills Evil Child Killer Pharm Exec *rocks back* and not before Do jin kills Li’l Creepy Rapist *rock forward*


  6. SKETCH Episode 4 rant in 5…





    OMG, what is wrong with Shi Hyun?!! Girl, what are you doing??

    The earlier sketch you psychically drew that looked like Rain/Dong Soo killed the special forces guy CLEARLY showed you that your sketches can be INTERPRETED wrongly (dude was lying in paint, not blood). So wouldn’t you go forward with that new knowledge? Wouldn’t you now assume that the prison guard on the ground could merely be knocked out and not dead? Which meant that you could have taken an extra minute to try to have some backup with you instead of trying to corral 8 or 9 bad guys and a serial rapist with just you and your gun?

    Now, look at you! Abducted and adding another problem to your partners’ plates. Sheesh. Ain’t no sense in being that stupid, ESPECIALLY when you have a death sketch of your own ticking down. Sheesh!

    I would thank you to get a little smarter, okay? Ugh.

    Stephe ^@@^


    P.S. I am enjoying this show like nobody’s business! Some of the tightest writing I’ve ever witnessed, no filler, and yet layers and layers of plot fitting neatly against each other. Holy moly. I wished I’d written it. 🙂 And Rain? Just WOW. He’s really thought about how to bring this character to life. While doggone handsome, Dong Soo doesn’t even LOOK like Rain. Not really. There are huge differences between the two. Bravo! Watching and studying gorgeous Rain in this role is such a pleasure… the man of 1000 faces.


    • My biggest enjoyment AND greatest relief: Rain is SO badazz in it, his responses are always badazz and on point! (Not Ninja Assassin “badazz”, as much as I love Raizo (and would love to revisit that character), I’m glad to see Rain using those acting chops to create a new character altogether. And, “no” I can’t think of another word to use besides “badazz” because he is just so….

      He doesn’t start out being all hyper aggressive but when someone says something he’s not on board with – bladow! – without getting overly excited, he’s sardonic, sarcastic, “I ain’t havin’ it”, walking away or breaking your thumb…

      …depends on if we’re talking or if you’ve put your hands on him…



      *I’m going to go take a nap and renew my brain cells and maybe when I come back I’ll have the words*


      • He insults a villain so smoothly and completely that it takes them a moment to realize it, LOL! “It’s a damn shame that trash like you gets to go to jail without a good beating. I tell you what. When you get out, come look me up so I can smack your ass around for ya. Doesn’t matter when. I’ll be waiting.” ROFL

        “I would shake your hand but the stench of innocent blood coming from it is so revolting I don’t think I can take it, man.” LOLOL

        Stephe ^@@^


  7. Oh! And I neglected to mention that in this second week, Sketch and Rain are continuing to kill it!


  8. Outside of Sketch………it’s Wakanda Forever baby! All – day – long. I can’t even begin to articulate what that movie means to this chocolate girl. Won’t even try…and that’s saying a lot for me. Honestly, I’d end up writing a book in this comment section. So I’ll refrain from doing so, but Black Panther is the “cat’s meow” (pun intended) in my world right about now.
    On a serious note, hubby and I are watching the docu-series “1968” on Netflix. Bone chilling when the history of our country is re-visited. If you are person who asks the “why are Americans like this, like that?” etc. watch this docu-series. The “whys” of much of it you will come to understand. To put it into perspective, 1968 is the year my husband was born…he turns 50 tomorrow. I was born in 1965. We are still considered pretty young in the grand scheme of life. 1968 was a quite turbulent year in U.S. history and so much change happened on so many fronts and on so many levels, during that year. It’s an awesome series. I highly recommend it. It’s necessary, since we don’t really teach history in schools anymore (which is a damned shame…but I digress).
    Also, I’m watching the United Shades of America hosted by Kamau Bell. He visits people and places in this country that most would not or have not. One episode in particular, Kamau visits the descendants of West African slaves in South Carolina called Gullah/Geechee. This community is unique. It’s unique in that it’s really the only community of slave descendants in this country, who have been able to hold on to a significant portion of their West African traditions to this very day. They are trying desperately to hold on to those traditions…but…gentrification is setting in (as it has in many major cities across the U.S.) and threatening their land and their traditional way of life. The history and traditions of the Gullah people is quite fascinating….check it out.
    Because of the recent Royal Wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, I recently watched The Royal House of Windsor, again on Netflix. This is a docu-series as well and gives quite a telling look behind the pomp and circumstance of it all. The queen’s historical archives is quite the treasure trove of information. Oh yeah, Meghan you are in there girlie. From what this series documents, Harry would not have been able to marry her had he been born any earlier into the monarchy. Ultimately, I’m sure I’ll be adding other dramas to the mix, as well. However, these are the most significant programs I’ve watched as of late.
    *Oops*…..guess I wrote a “book” anyway. LOL.

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    • This sparks my interest: “West African slaves in South Carolina called Gullah/Geechee.”

      I was born in 1959 and honestly, I’m a little tired of the history that I lived through (born in Detroit, the riots, etc.) and made it my business to immerse myself in study of AA, roots. New and unfamiliar stuff is what garners my interest now, which is probably why S. Korean dramas have caught my attention (for now). There are so many things that I marvel at because, while so much of their cultured is strange (to me), so much of it is also similar to black culture. I tend to analyze that and wonder if it’s due to the enslavement of the majority of their population to the upper class and then the oppression from Japan, etc.


      • Little known black history facts always spark my interest as well. I was born in 1965 (in the midst of the Civil Rights era). My folks were among the first of a handful of black students to integrate the University of Texas back in those days. So, I completely understand the weariness one feels when it seems you have to carry the weight of your color and culture on your shoulders at all times. However, I don’t really get tired of learning about the history of my people (the good, bad and the ugly). This is because an inordinate amount of it was and still is hidden from us. I want to know every bit I can get my hands on.

        Speaking of the commonalities between the Asian culture and black culture, a relative in my immediate family recently did a family ancestry DNA test. Color me shocked, that as black (culturally…brown physically) as we are (SMILES), we found out that my family actually has some Asian DNA. Of course, my hubby had to yank my chain about it. LOL. “No wonder you love Rain and those dramas so much.” So Beez, I’ve concluded the entire world is just one big ole melting pot. I think everybody would be shocked as to what’s rolling around in their genetics. SMILES.

        All that to say, the thing that has always drawn me to Asian dramas, etc. is that the homogeneous society they live in keeps them connected to their culture. As a American descendant of African slaves, we were utterly and completely stripped of everything (culturally) that connected us to the Motherland, and we’ve been “in search of” ever since. So I’ve always been fascinated by other cultures that were able to stay immersed in their own. Yes, I agree there are plenty similarities. There is more that is alike than is different about us. There is not one K-Drama I’ve watched that I couldn’t find at least one something I could relate to. People are people everywhere….laughing, loving, living mostly in the same way, dealing with the same day-to-day issues.


        • What always blows my mind with K-dramas are the sayings like “buy your lover shoes and he/she will run away from you” and so a character will buy shoes and make his lover give him $1 by way of payment.

          I have always heard my great aunts and old women say this to us about buying shoes and they were all born before 1920 and only had a third grade, one-room-school-house education and their religion kept them from knowing about outside events in the world so when I hear old Korean sayings such as this, it floors me. How did the sayings come about? Is it information that somehow traveled com here to there or vice versa? Or is it just people having the same thoughts and experiences and coming up with the same idioms? Yet, I know my caucasian friends, co- workers, and acquaintances (and I know a lot due to 35 years in corporate world) find these types of sayings foreign and oft-times need them explained. 🙂

          And don’t get me started on Koreans playing cards (Go-Stop) with sticking cards to their foreheads and talking smack. LOL It’s just all too familiar. 😁 Oh yeah, I even saw an older Korean man in a drama referring to “KP time”. Of course I screen captured it at the time. If you want to see the pics with subtitles go here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvE2-hpAQD16shzHTTSlriOz5jK5


        • @Bialamode – I think it was a post by you that called my attention to the attitudes of a person raised among a nation of people who all look like each other (and I do NOT mean “they all look alike”). I think Stephe had posted an older interview of Rain’s during the Ninja Assassin promos. And you pointed out the attempt to diminish Rain by calling him the Justin Timberlake of Korea and his politely and confidently rejecting the label.
          I had already been clocking our similarities to S. Korean culture but here was something NOT similar at all! I never would have noticed what was happening without your shining a light on it because I was accustomed to our media labeling people to a “more familiar” (to Americans) implied “better” person.
          It’s such an interesting dynamic that I had not considered but now watch out for, not only in our media’s treatment of Asians (too) but also as I watch what’s going on in the news today or when reading about Korea’s history of oppression and how their society has dealt with its population and views post slavery. (Mostly rich vs not rich)


          • Oh wow….that was a long time ago, but I do remember making that comment. SMILES! Yes, I think I was particularly annoyed that day. American entertainment shows had really just become aware of Rain and they had a tendency to equate him with Justin Timberlake. Rain was like….”Nah”…Justin’s cool and all, but I’m Rain. SMILES. No telling what else I said. Goodness knows I have commented like crazy on this blog! LOL.

            Yes, I’m watching Sketch in earnest now and I’m liking the suspense of it all. Dark and intriguing, it really captures one’s attention early on. Perfect for binge watching. It’s so funny, even after all this time I still don’t know which I like best……Rain in dramatic roles or Rain in rom coms. He’s just so damned good in both.

            You know…..on second thought…I take that back. I think his dramatic roles win the day for me, ultimately. I like when he taps into that emotional well of his.


  9. Hey crew! You know I’m watching Sketch right now and so far it is exceeding my expectations and I am really impressed with Rain’s acting. End of epi 2 I almost couldn’t watch!

    I just finished Go Go Waikiki and I’m about half way through Hwayugi.

    I’m really looking forward to watching Miss Hamarabi with L , Greasy Meli, and Are You Human Too cause of Seo Kang Joon of course ;).

    Liked by 1 person

    • GoGo Waikiki surprised me with how funny and wacky it was. And I have a new bias – Lee Yi-Kyung. He reminds me of Kim Sung oh. Both are underrated actors, IMO, but they are so good at comedy that they’re cast in comic relief supporting roles. I hope Lee Yi-Kyung can break free to be part of an OTP soon.


  10. Stephe, I was looking at some older posts and I don’t even know how I got here: https://cloudusa.blog/its-hot-in-here/
    But please tell me what is going on with Rain’s smile at the end of the Cyborg kiss video? It totally threw me off center because it’s a slow sexy smile but when his teeth are fully exposed, THAT’S NOT THE SMILE I KNOW!
    I know a lot of times stars have their teeth done later, but I’ve seen old videos that predate Cyborg and that’s not his smile from back then either!
    What gives? Did the director of the movie have him wear some temporary teeth or something?
    I was totally entranced by the kiss (as usual whenever I see THAT kiss) but then the smiled being so unfamiliar snatched me right out of my fantasy!


    • LOL! That was a bit of a surprise for sure, those teeth. It has been quite a few years since I last saw the movie, but if I remember correctly, they were dentures that belonged to the cyborg girl. She was wearing them when he kissed her. They were dentures that I think she got from her grandmother, not sure about that but they had a special meaning to her and she kept them all the time. Rain’s character knew how important they were to her. I interpreted that as his way of showing her that he loved and accepted everything about her, not just some things. Even those crazy dentures, haha. It was a movie with a lot of fantasy and fantastical elements in it, stuff that was not necessarily real but just in their minds, so the kiss (my favorite of all his screen kisses) was definitely real but how he got those dentures from her mouth to his was definitely fantastical, LOL💕
      Stephe ^@@^


      • Ohhhh yeah. I had forgotten. Plus he was a kleptlomaniac. I’m sure I watched the movie because of Rain but before knowing much about him and so as a newbie fan then, I probably didn’t even know that wasn’t his teeth at the time. lol

        It was such a turn off as I sat there waiting as he began that sexy smile and then…it wasn’t his. If I were a guy, the evidence would have been obvious that I’d gone from 180 down to 0!


      • BTW, that is my absolute favorite screen kiss of anybody of all time! Followed by Hyun bin’s goodbye kiss in Late Autumn.
        Most “real” screen sexy kisses look sloppy. Those two kisses just look sexy and delicious.

        Liked by 1 person

        • YUMMMMMMM. ^_~ ^@@^


          • As long as I’ve gone down the tunnel of my fantasies publicly, let me just take a moment to say how the colour of Rain’s lips… *Xrated and totally inappropriate*
            The majority of the Korean actors have beautiful natural lips. I think that’s one reason why I’m so mortified by lipstick on male K-stars.

            Liked by 1 person

    • Ooooh, Beez, dang it! I hadn’t been on my IT’S HOT IN HERE page for a long time, and do you know I couldn’t put my phone down or go to bed until I’d played every video on it. Once I got started, I couldn’t stop. Thanks a lot! keke~ ^_^

      Stephe ^@@^


  11. I watched Sketch last night. Rain, as usual, as expected, is amazing. The writing so far seems really, really good as I did not expect the twist with the sympathetic special forces guy. *sniff of sympathy* but *HOW COULD HE?!!!*


  12. I just back out of this because I want to experience all the unexpected drama of this show.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s cool, Libbie. No prob! I do the same thing on a lot of my shows before I can catch up — avoid certain places because I want no surprises! 🙂

      Stephe ^@@^


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