[2 sketches][8 images] Cloudy Day: Fan art, inspired by Rain. (Plus a CCTV director’s POV of Rain on stage.)

Cloud cover by Stephe, Managing Editor ^@@^

Rain at the Jiu Jiu Ai·China & Korea Stars Concert, hand-drawn and penciled by Cloud artist Nao. Posted by raimy @ The Cloud. So lifelike! 🙂 ^@@^



CCTV director 忘了0509 shared his own stunning pictures of Rain at the show on his Weibo recently. Thumbs up! ^@@^



~ by Cloud USA on November 1, 2015.

2 Responses to “[2 sketches][8 images] Cloudy Day: Fan art, inspired by Rain. (Plus a CCTV director’s POV of Rain on stage.)”

  1. Oui bravo Nao ❤ Et merci pour le partage 😉


  2. Always love Nao’s sketches – Subject helps a lot 😍 ✍🏽


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