21 Responses to “[fanmade of the wk] 비 Yourself Open Thread for 1/3 — 1/17.”

  1. Here’s another side to the “boobs/booty” of Black women debate and This debate is Among black women. This subject matter seems to be a hot topic as of late. Geez, is it any wonder why we have some issues.



  2. So glad it’s Friday. It’s been a “deep week”…..and no I’m not talking about Jihoon. He’s got his own “ish” to deal with, but he doesn’t seem to be fazed so it’s all gravy.

    I need to step back for a bit……………………


  3. Oh and Dennis Rodman has lost his ever-loving mind. That is all.


  4. Very interesting article as well. Since, I work at a University seeing Asian students on our campus (Chinese in particular) doesn’t surprise me. However, this article about an influx of Chinese students from the University of Iowa buying luxury vehicles at this one dealership (in Cash) at this one dealership does.



  5. We live in a sick, sick world when a photo like the one at this link creates NEGATIVE comments. Check out the photo and give the short article a look see. The world is sick.



  6. Finally had time to top up my Itunes account and now have Bi’s whole album to listen to….yeah !! (^_^) (^_^) It is sure great to have his music on Itunes !
    Now I am waiting for the physical album to be delivered Down Under…(^_^)


  7. My CD has shipped……WOO HOO!! Can’t wait to pop Honey Love’s voice in my car CD player. (*so excited*)


    • Yeah I have to wait until tomorrow to send my paypal money off, since I’m not leaving the house til then.(doc appt.). But since I got it on iTunes I’ve already made a cd for the car, I’ll put it up after my real on comes but I just couldn’t wait. Besides this cd going get a lot of play so it go to have a spare in case.


      • Sorry for so many typo’s.


      • Now, that’s a damn good idea. Why the hell didn’t I think of that?? Oh well………………*SMILES*

        Heck, I still might get our “resident techie” staffer to burn one for me anyway at work My home computer trips sometimes.


  8. Here it’s 45-50 below with the windchilland snowing until Tuesday and I’m sick as a dog….my voice has been gone for a couple days and internet keeps going out. So it’s big fun in the Midwest! LOL


    • You can keep that Artic cold weather y’all got going! LOL! Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Hubby is sick too. I’m trying like the dickens to not catch it. So far I’ve been able to dodge that bullet.

      Get better soon! *SMILES*…………………


      • Hahahahaha gurl. It’s been a while since it’s been this dang cold. Hell they closed the doctors office! And I’m not going to the hospital so I have to tough it out one more day. And thank you, I hope you don’t catch anything it’s some nasty stuff going around.
        Oh and back in the 30s by Friday hahahaha heat wave.


        • LOL! Oh well, I’ll think about you and your 30 degree temps cause it’ll be in the 70s by Thursday here. This is the very reason people get sick so much here. It’s crazy!


  9. Oh BTW, Mr. BiA watched both “30 Sexy” and “LA Song” last night he Actually LIKED the videos. That’s monumental coming from him. LOL!


    • Wow! I’m more and more impressed with Mr. BiA every day. 🙂 I’m so glad. It was such a delight to meet him in New Orleans, too. Such a nice guy. :-}

      I tortured my entire family with the music videos tonight. I wanted to watch them on a bigger screen. So, I asked one of my nephews to get his Xbox out and bring it out into the den, so that we could play the YouTube vids on our “big” TV. Rain on a big screen. Wah. Let me tell you it was wonderful.

      I won’t go so far as to say the family thoroughly “enjoyed” the the vids, but they didn’t hate them either. LOL. I thought my mother was going to bust a gut when Rain “kissed” the woman and she “blew up.” She cackled and turned full around in her chair and looked at me and said, “WHAT in the WORLD was THAT?” LOL. And the truck, the stroking of the pig, and flying chicken got laughs all around.

      They were also really impressed with his choreography and the synchronized dancing. We aren’t used to seeing many stars dance in music videos over here. So, they liked that.

      AND even though the “young-uns” were all pretending to be cool and unaffected while they were watching the videos (you know how they do, LOL), every single one of them was tapping their feet.

      Ha ha ha ha! Rain Effect strikes again.

      Terri :-}


      • Well, he’s far from a “convert” but I think he’s letting himself finally see why his wife likes the man so much. No point in “fighting” it. Also, Mama has been paying attention to all this “Rain Effect” stuff too. *SMILES* So, my peeps are definitely aware of the “happenings.” *SMILES*………………….


  10. Snow in the ATL huh? Well, we will be getting temps in the twenties here for the next couple of nights, then back to the 70s by Thursday…go figure. Mother Nature needs to take her meds. LOL!

    People don’t like to talk. I’d love to learn about STUFF from others but people refuse to talk like that.

    I’ll tell you I didn’t really have any expectation about the kind of Bi album we’d get. I just knew it would be good. He’s a dancer at heart so it’s no surprise he’ll always have some grooves he can move to on stage. Now what actually took me by surprise was the maturity and confidence in his vocals. I think a “mini” turning point was when he did that impromptu acapella ditty on his military radio show. That was the first time in all these years that I was like “woah, dude can really sing.” Bottom line, you can dance all day long but it’s the “singers” that can take their careers into their golden years. Eventually you’ll have to put up your dancing shoes, but if you can sing you can still entertain the masses for many, many years.

    I tell ya, the more I listen to the album I’m drawn to “Marilyn Monroe” more and more, not for the lyrics particularly (even though they are beautiful) but for the “groove.” The groove is so reminiscent of the late 70s type of grooves I grew up listening to. This particular groove strikes a nostalgic chord with me. So, I’d like to think that Bi saw Stephe’s “Fantasy Playlist” posts and our suggested songs. “Marilyn Monroe” fits within the realm of some of those songs. *SMILES*……………………………………


    • Well, actually, they are saying it’s supposed to sleet/snow/something tomorrow night. Which sucks as I have to work on Tuesday. Sigh. Oh well. I will go in late if I have to, to be safe. The roads here are not safe with snow and ice on them. The high temp Tuesday is supposed to be 23 and Wednesday 43. Yeah. Mother nature needs therapy of some kind. That’s for sure. LOL.

      Well, seems to me there were playlists all over the place over here. So, yeah, someone could have noticed. Although, Rain does seem to enjoy retro. Look at his Adieu concert. Total throwback. And I adored it.

      I had no idea what to expect from him, and didn’t have time to think about it. But it’s a clever album. Really, it is. Yeah, Marilyn Monroe speaks to me in some way. I keep thinking it reminds me of a song from way back when. But I think you nailed it. It’s nostalgic.

      Terri :-]


  11. Whut? Nobody’s talkin’ over here? How ’bout that comeback, eh?

    Rain is so AWESOME. I’m loving the new album. A full dance album was a super surprise and i’m diggin’ it.

    I’m going to do a Terri’s Take on it today, if I find the time. Depends on what’s happening around me. Quiet now, but then again, it’s only 10:33 AM. That might have something to do with it. LOL.

    And oh my gosh. It’s supposed to SNOW here in Georgia tonight. I really hope it snows a LOT, but we don’t usually get very much in Atlanta, so I’m not expecting to have any “snow days,” but that sure would be nice.

    Terri :-}


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