[Runaway staff tweet] Fans in the Philippines feed Rain and crew.

On behalf of Rain, a heart-felt thanks to his Filipino fans, September 9
Repost: DC Rain Gallery
Brief translation: rain bird @rain-eu.

[Neither the Tweeter or their Twitter were identified… — ^@@^]

어제 필리핀 팬분들이 보내주신 고추덕분에 햇반 두개씩 싹싹 비웠다는 ㅎㅎ 장어,장조림 ,김치,여러 밑반찬도 너무 맛있네요 지훈씨를 대신해 감사드립니다!!너무 잘먹고있어요..

Thanks to the fresh peppers Filipino fans sent us yesterday, we all finished off two bowls of instant rice (Haetban brand) in a flash.ㅎㅎ (haha)

Several side dishes such as broiled eels, Jangjorim (beef boiled), Kimchi, etc. are also very delicious..

On behalf of Ji-Hoon-ssi [Rain honorifically, Mr. Ji-Hoon ^@@^], a heart-felt thank you!!

We are enjoying the food.

~ by Cloud USA on September 9, 2010.

One Response to “[Runaway staff tweet] Fans in the Philippines feed Rain and crew.”

  1. thank you clouds


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