18 Responses to “[stage of the wk] 비 Yourself Open Thread for 10/8 -10/14.”

  1. Clouds,

    I’ve been meaning to say this for a long time, but I keep forgetting, because I don’t have all that much time to think these days.

    I have noticed that there are a lot of new Clouds around, all of whom are still in the throes of discovering Rain’s vast array of work. Rather than endlessly “Googling” Rain, or searching for Rain Bi on YouTube, why don’t you spend some time reading this blog’s archives instead? I say that because it is highly likely that everything you EVER wanted to know about Rain is already located somewhere in this blog.

    Our archives are located right below the “Search” box on the sidebar —-> blog. It is in the form of a calendar, and it goes all the way back to January 2010, which is when we founded Cloud USA. All you have to do is choose the month you want to read, click on it and you will find all of the articles we wrote that month.

    In those archives, you will find tons of Rain jewels just waiting for you to discover them. Of course, some of the old links or links to videos on YouTube won’t work anymore, because the pages have been moved, but the stories (and our excitement) are all still there, and they will at least give you a good starting point for your Rain treasure hunt.

    Some of our earlier articles should also be lots of fun for you to read, because way back then Stephe and I were still in fan-girl mode too. Ha ha ha. :-}

    If you feel that the archives are too wieldy, then you can always do a quick search of the blog using our Search box. The search works better if you keep it simple. For example, in the box you should type words like “MTV” or “Biggest Badass” or “MCM” or “BMW” (not long sentences or strings of words) and then click Search. All of the articles that we have written using those words should pop up. If they don’t, then you need to simplify your search.

    A lot of work has gone into this blog, and there is a TON of stuff about Rain in it just waiting for you. So, please don’t let it go to waste.

    Terri :-}


  2. Good Lord! Thank the heavens Jinwoon is going to be okay. Gosh!


    Stephe ^@@^


    • Wow, that’s awful! As my mother used to tell me, you have to drive for yourself and others around you as well. Pay attention to your gut and if you see someone who looks like they don’t see you…they probably don’t. Get out of their way if at all possible.


  3. Terri, I used to come to the open thread. I even used to post things that were not Rain related. However, I came to conclusion that when people come to this site they are so fixated on Rain. They eat, sleep, breathe Rain, so conversation about other things going on in the world don’t even get discussed here. Gotta say that is what I miss most about Cloud USA in the “olden days” (all of 3 years ago). *SMILES*

    We used to discuss Stuff…dialogue about stuff even if it was silly, but no more. People would rather “lurk” than actually have a real conversation. Believe it or not even “I” get Tired of talking about how beautiful Rain is all the time.

    That “brotha” has plenty mirrors in his house no doubt, he knows he looks good, he sees it everyday. He doesn’t need to be told that “ish” 20 million times a day. Seriously.


    • I miss the old days too, BiA. But I’m also enjoying the new crowd. I figured maybe I’d better tell them what this open thread was for in the first place, because maybe they didn’t know?

      We will see.

      Yeah, I love Rain and all, but sometimes I want to whine about something else, right? And here is the perfect place to do it…among friends.

      Terri :-}


      • It’s funny, when your blog was “younger” with less people, we used to talk ourselves silly. Now, your blog is bigger with more people viewing it, yet only the same few leave comments.

        It annoys me greatly. It’s not fair that only a few of us are brave enough to expose our thoughts, while lurkers choose to stay all comfy and cozy taking in what we say. Just because I comment quite often doesn’t necessarily mean I feel completely comfortable “exposing” my thoughts publicly all the time either.

        I find myself in an irritated mood today…..can you tell?


        • I am not expressing myself well on how appreciate for each post/thread here in Cloud USA each time I visit,and
          I see how wise/understanding people here,
          I think I was so comfy,
          but I felt bad sometimes because you all made me my understanding better, and wiser for my life along with Rain and around with Good people separating from bad people,and I keep missing to express,but I really appreciate especially Stephe,Terri, Bialamode here
          You are like Celebrity here,i enjoy so much,and miss if you don’t post
          sorry I am too comfy here


          • Hi, Suhe. 🙂 How have you been? Thank you for your comment.^^

            It’s always good to hear from you, and that it’s not necessary to speak English well or express yourself well. Just that you try is enough. When it comes to people with good hearts who truly love Rain, their feelings always come through anyway, no matter what language they speak. We’re just happy that you enjoy our posts, and that you like being here, and that Rain is an inspiration to you.

            The “celebrity” thing is making me blush. A lot. Thank you! (´∀`)

            Please eat well and take good care of yourself.

            Stephe ^@@^


            • Thank you Stephe,
              for your kind words as always encouraging,
              Thank you keeping Cloud USA site so super organized and managed consistent with your devoted time and effort,
              I learned so much from posts here,
              and see really positive energy going in this site,
              and I am happy because of Rain we all love and support here


          • Hello Suhe,

            First of all I’d like to apologize. Yesterday I was not in the greatest of moods and when I saw Terri’s posted comment about the Open Thread and asking us to “get to talking”…..well….that is what I did. I appreciate you for taking the time to comment and respond to my “mini rant”….SMILES. I don’t have them too often, but I’m human and sometimes I will let it out when things bother me.

            I agree with Stephe, it’s not imperative that your English be fluent. We English speakers can certainly tell the sentiments within the comments that we read. If we don’t, we will ask to be sure we completely understand, so that we don’t misinterpret someone’s intention.

            Besides, some of us English speakers could probably use a refresher course as well. I might be included in that too!…..*SMILES*

            Suhe….you have a great day!


            • You might have been having a bad day, but you had a point in your response to Terri, BiA. There was nothing wrong with “blowing off a little steam.” Lord knows, I do it enough here myself. 🙂

              Stephe ^@@^


            • Hi Bialamode,
              Thank you,
              Your mini rant was waking up call for me,and so appropriate
              that I have felt bad not responding posts i enjoy and
              leaving but with happy feeling that
              you are there sharing everything about Rain and supporting this incredible young Man going through hard times yet shining brighter in so many ways,
              and i so admire and respect your extra time and support for Rain and Clouds by sharing some of your story really learning another life i also enjoy


            • Well, at least people started talking, eh? And I’m very glad.

              I watched the first episode of “Heirs” last night with Lee Min Ho and I still don’t know how I feel about it. The plot so far is predictable and the American characters are portrayed as horrible people. Yes, it is a drama, but still. O_o

              And poor Min Ho. His English is–well–not so good at all. He’s trying so hard, though. And frankly, his English is a heck of a lot better than my Korean would be. So, I’ll shut up about that now. :-}

              Also, I just found out that Dramafever helped produce “Heirs.” I’m aching for this to be good. Sigh.

              Terri :-}


              • Lol! Oh, I couldn’t even begin to speak Korean but for a word or two. So, I agree Lee Min Ho’s English is not that bad looking at it from that perspective. So funny, it’s like I was “willing him” through the TV to speak it better. I do have high hopes for the series though, but you’re right it is quite predictable so far. What I wonder is, when will these damn near 30 year olds stop playing high school students, rich or otherwise. *SMILES*


                • bialamode said:
                  “What I wonder is, when will these damn near 30 year olds stop playing high school students, rich or otherwise. *SMILES*”

                  LOL. No kidding. So crazy.

                  Terri :-}


          • Hi, Suhe.

            We are glad you are here and thank you for your kind words about Cloud USA. They are greatly appreciated. ♥

            Terri :-}


  4. You know? I think we are forgetting that these open threads are a place where we can talk about anything and not just about Rain. That’s what they were designed for.

    So, ya’ll get to talking!

    Terri :-}


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