[Cloudburst account] BiAlamode’s POV: Road To The Big Easy.

Cloud cover by: Stephe, Managing Editor ^@@^

Dee Dee came all the way from Texas with her two “road dawgs”, and it was surreal meeting them because she and I have been online friends like, forever. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your account, Dee, and for just being you.

(Images credit: BiAlamode @Cloud USA)


(CLICK on images below for larger view. And enjoy!)














~ by Cloud USA on October 3, 2013.

21 Responses to “[Cloudburst account] BiAlamode’s POV: Road To The Big Easy.”

  1. Bi, loved this fan account and how you write such a fun weekend. Loved meeting you and your mom. She seemed to have a great time with us all talking about Rain most of the night. You and your husband make a beautiful looking couple. He is super awesome for joining you. My husband wished he could have come along as he has always wanted to visit NOLA too but due to work he could not make it and he seems to be pretty cool about this Rain fandom addiction I have and he really liked his movie NA.


    • Thank you @Tonicny! I really enjoyed meeting you as well. I was glad we had a moment to chat to ourselves. It’s always nice to form new friendships, especially with a fellow kindred spirit.


  2. Thanks girl for the account, I laughed so much with it!! I’m still curious about what you did to that poor Rain cardboard, hum, I bet you enjoy it! Lol!! I’m happy your hubbie went with you, isn’t he a great guy? Awww 😀 My hubbie is getting used to my dear Rain, he even ask me if Rain was out of the military! Lol!! So happy you spent such a great time together!


    • Hey Mari, thanks lady! Glad I made you smile. I’d tell you what was done to the Rain cut-out, but then I’d have to “kill” you (that’s a joke….*SMILES*). I’m sure there’s some photographic “evidence” on a couple of Cloud cameras, but I don’t think those pics could be posted here….truly….*Kekekekeke.* Yes, it was cool having hubby come along too.

      BTW, I want to be clear (for anyone who’s curious)…….no husbands/significant others attended our Cloudburst meeting. We were free to be our “Rain loving” selves. *SMILES*


    • Hey, Mari! 🙂 One of these days, we’ve got to visit you Cloud sisters in Puerto Rico, yeah? (If you don’t make it here first!)

      Stephe ^@@^


    • Did he really ask you that, Mari? Thumbs up. 🙂

      Stephe ^@@^


    • Fabulous, Bialamode! : D I loved reading about your whole journey. It made me smile all over again, hon! and Mari ~ I and several others DO have photographic evidence of certain Clouds ‘man’handling Gee’s Rain cut-out,( ahem, ahem @_@ ) but I can not post them out in the wide open internet!! I have an amazing and understanding hubby myself, so let’s just say I prefer not to tempt that! Kekeke Hit me up on FB or @4MYLalways on twitter. ❤


      • Thanks so much Cyndi! Nope, we don’t want the photographic evidence out there. LOL! Hubby’s are great, but their understanding only goes so far. I’ll catch you over on FB though! *SMILES*


  3. – Awesomeness! This account is so funny to me, one reason is because I meant to finally ask on this site how the husbands/significant others feel about their wives’ Rain obsession? Do they think it’s funny and even buy you merch, do they not get the hype and just shrug it off, do they tolerate it with a little jealousy here and there, but support the craze regardless cause they know you love your hubby even more? And then I see here that a couple of husbands actually went along for the ride! (^_^) That’s such a cute thought, lol. I’ve gotta join you all next time, and I hope even more can attend. Much love, and THANK YOU ALL so much for the details and mad photos. 🙂


    • Hello Ray, I’m glad you enjoyed my account. We all a blast and can’t wait until we get to it again.

      Regarding husbands/significant others, I can only speak for myself and my hubby. You are right in your thoughts that any man worth his salt will feel a little jealously from time to time and my husband is no different. Although, he would rather walk over hot coals than admit to it. *SMILES* He will tease me from time to time and he was the one who bought my NA dvd. He also made sure I had the funds I needed to join Rain’s official fan club(The Cloud) in Korea (at the time). I’ll put it this way, hubby is my true #1 now and always me liking Rain can’t change that…..period. My boundaries are firmly in place. *SMILES* Believe me, I have no problem discerning fantasy from reality. Besides, husbands tolerate it because they know who the “real big daddy” is.

      Now, if Rain happens to walk in the same room as me…..Oh Lord! (*just kidding*).


  4. Wow! This looked like an amazing Bi Gathering. The cupcakes were adorable!


  5. Great account of the CloudBurst gathering. Glad you all met and had a great RainRain Time. Thanks for sharing


  6. Girl can you tell a story. Excellent! I missed yall the moment you all left my house. Can’t wait until our next gathering. Love yall


    • I miss YOU miss Gee!! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to come to Nawlins’ (as Stephe would say) again. Can’t wait til the next time either! *SMILES*


  7. Oh BTW, I posted the pics on my FB also. FB friends know how to get “at’em.” SMILES!


  8. Love this!! And, Dee Dee’s hubs is the bomb!! Always good to have a supportive siggy other to help feed the Rain addiction! It was such a fun evening and I loved meeting everyone! I look forward to the next Burst! ❤


    • Aww, thank you Michele! I’ll tell him. Yep, he’s “cool people” if I do say so myself and a character all on his own. LOL! (*but we’ll save that for another time*)…SMILES!


  9. Thanks for sharing my POV with everybody Stephe. I truly had a BLAST! I couldn’t hardly believe we were all in the same room either. Now, when we see our names “pop up” we’ll know exactly who’s doing the talking. *SMILES*

    As for me being me, well it’s the only way I know how to be. *SMILES*

    Hugs and Kisses to every Cloud that was there and especially to you Gee! Thank you again for opening your home to we little “Rain Drops.” *SMILES*


  10. Awesome, good read BiAlamode 🙂


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