Tweets abound: Rain trends on Twitter on his birthday. And an Mnet salute!

Cloud cover by: Stephe, Managing Editor ^@@^

Good work, Clouds and fans. Congratulations, JiHoon! 🙂

(Source: Rain Indonesia @Twitter)

(Source: Cloud USA @Twitter)

Speaking of Tweets on Rain’s birthday… what a GREAT birthday salute from Mnet. Nicely done! ^@@^ (Source: Mnet Global @Twitter)

~ by Cloud USA on June 25, 2012.

12 Responses to “Tweets abound: Rain trends on Twitter on his birthday. And an Mnet salute!”

  1. I’m so happy that all that effort pay off with a trend! Is so difficult and frustrating when you twit so much and nothing happens! Well, good job Clouds!! 😀 Oh I love Mnet twit! It was awesome to read it and I’m sure JiHoon must be happy to be recognize in that way! Go Rain and Happy Birthday my dear!!


  2. wow I have been missing out on the good stuff on twitter :(..I been so busy watching these K Drama called Loving you a thousand times but I am happy to see how all the clouds have come together to make this happen..WAY TO GO CLOUDS!! 😀


  3. May his music albums reach as many countries from far east of the world to the west. Because JUNG JI Hoon YOu are very well loved. I speak these words of encouragement, love, and, faithfully devoted from my heart. I am sure other fans feel the same. You may get tired of hearing the word love 🙂 but, You are the ladies man, and the one special person to me that can reach all over the world with just your voice, and, heart. God bless you through out your life. He sent you angel to watch over you, that angel is always by your side, may it be friend foe, lover, or unknown. Or even yourself with the mind of elephant. You do not ever forget what is most important, You protect the ladies and, children with everything you have. You make friends with men and, gain the Band of Brothers. Because of who you are.
    P.s The little girl in the pic of my comment is my daughter she listens to your music with me.. so does my son. I hope my comments today can get to you 🙂 with love from All three of us Joseph, violet, and, myself Christina .


  4. Later in the future no matter what happens or how long it takes me to get back to being a devoted fan… I will! I am to move and, once I do it may not be as easy for me to fallow up on him. But, I think of him at least 1 to 3 times a day. Hoping that He will get his rest he needs after his service. He will stay happy not ever have to suffer another broken heart. If so he is strong he will make it through. HOpe most of all he will make a new album with both English and, Korean version songs. Release in America, Than will he be able to reach his last step of his goal. Than, He will be thankful to us loving fans because that is who he is. MOst of all he will be back by our side even though he may be far away from some of us. We have our hearts that he has put himself a place in.


  5. I bet this is the best Ten years of his life, Rain Baby Doll you live a life that seems so happy and, full of joy. You have allot to be proud of. May YOUr life remain so sweet in Harmony. May the bumps ahead not bring you down because, I love you Rain… A loving fan me. Has not ever said that about any other musician, singer ecta. So many Fans like me love you… You show love back too. You are a man of great love


  6. Reblogged this on christina27b and commented:
    That is great… His goal will be filled soon.


  7. Awesome I am happy for Rain congratulations to him.. Hooray ! To all of us fans for being loyal. I may of not been able to be on the internet yesterday but, I made up for it before hand. I do what I can to help the world know him.
    🙂 Much love HUgs and kisses to Rain.
    But, Remember if you see him, We should give him breathing room. We should not over run him. Because he is getting bigger at the moment happy birthday sweet Rain, JI Hoon. Our hearts savior Angel.


  8. Happy Bi Day !!!!!!!!!
    May all his wishes come true and may all happiness and success be with him …. Happy Belated B’Day Rain …. wish you all the best … muaaacccchhhhhh …. saranghae ….


  9. Yay! We all did it! Phew! 🙂


    • LOL,

      I know, right? I was exhausted and locked up both of my Twitter accounts. So crazy.

      It is terrific, though, that we finally have enough people tweeting around the world that we can actually trend sometimes. Remember all those times we worked like heck and got no results at ALL? :-}

      Terri :-}


  10. SWEET!!!! Crazy mad storm in my neck of the woods and I lost power 😦


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