Cloudy Day: What do you get when you combine a Rain check with fan art inspired by Rain?

One HECK of a Cloudy Day, that’s what. WOW. 😀 — ^@@^

(Black & White sketches and drawings source credits: koreanfashiononline, as signed and tagged)

~ by Cloud USA on February 22, 2011.

12 Responses to “Cloudy Day: What do you get when you combine a Rain check with fan art inspired by Rain?”

  1. WOAH……somebody’s a DAMNED GOOD ARTISTE!!


  2. WOW!! This is awsome art work. I love them all. You are one talented person. I am very impressed with your work.


  3. to the ones that drew Jihoon your drawing r very good.


  4. woow very nice….its very wonderful sketches,you are gifted guy that you have talent like that…Hopefully our lovely JiHOON wiil be impress you….kept it in your heart!


  5. OMG these are excellent! Damn they’re good…


  6. These are extremely good, love them all.


  7. Awesome!!! These sketches of Rain are real pieces of art. This is a very talented artist. Congratulations!! 😀


  8. This are so good!!! makes me want to practice more. Thank you for sharing ^^


  9. really, really nice.


  10. it is INDEED art work i have ever see O_O wowowo just plain wowoow bravooooooooooo to this look so real hee i feel the picture is alive and watching us here oh boy what a talen of this person !!
    i agreed rain should see this how specail it mean to his art of his fans is i mean rain will be so prouds of many tlaen fan out very love him and keep this good imppressive coming !!
    i liking all of them JOB WELL DONE!! 🙂


  11. BRAVO!!! This is amazing Fan art. I hope Rain get’s to see these there’s a lot of talent displayed here.

    You should be very proud.



  12. My God what talent!! this is very professional, this person is either an art student or has a major God given gift.


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